Amphibious Drones: The Future of Underwater Exploration and Surveillance

amphibious drones - a drone retrofitted to land on water - new to drones

As amphibious drones take to the skies, they’re also making waves in the world of underwater exploration and surveillance. These remarkable machines are capable of operating in both water and air, opening up new possibilities for researchers, scientists, and first responders alike. Development of Amphibious Drones Developing an amphibious drone that can seamlessly transition between water […]

Amazon Shape-Shifting Drone Patent: Revolutionizing Package Delivery

amazon shape-shifting drone patent - collapsable propeller - new to drones

Amazon has made another significant step towards transforming the delivery landscape with its latest patent for a shape-shifting drone designed to navigate through tight spaces, potentially enabling more efficient package delivery. The patented technology allows the drone’s wings and body to adjust their shape in real-time, giving it the flexibility to fit through narrow openings […]